Dec 21, 2023 — We hope this finds you sitting in a soothing spot of your own, perhaps filling up on lovely cards and holiday letters sent to you.

If you’re one of our regular readers, you likely recall the recent story on inspiring Contributing Cardie Pamela Salem O’Hagan. Two weeks ago, the retired British actress was rushed to ER after a fall and — while it’s still not clear whether what caused her to tumble was her Parkinson’s or tumors in her tummy — after 10 days in the hospital, she’s relieved to be back in her home (which we’ve dubbed Grand Central Pamela for all the comings and goings at all hours there :) She’s retained her good humor and is regaining her strength. Yay!

Pam is grateful for an outpouring of support from caring Cardies across the country, and asked that we please tell you all how much the messages have meant to her, though she says, “Whilst reading the kind and flattering words, I keep thinking, ‘These Cardies can’t be speaking of me!? I’ve done nothing to deserve such consideration and praise.”

Along with dozens of cards from sweet Cardies — and fan requests for her autograph — in Pam’s mail this week was a box from The Bees Knees British Imports. Wow, true to her beautiful self, Contributing Cardie Teresa Bender had gifted Pam a lovely mug made in her homeland of Scotland. The note she enclosed for Pam read, “You also being from the U.K., you are aware of the joy the robin brings to our lives — it gives us hope and the clear message, ‘Be Joyous!’ All the best, Pamela!”

Caring Contributing Cardie Roxann Hassett sent not one but two moving messages via email. In the first, she wrote, “I read your news about Pam and what came to me was a Metta Meditation I learned from the Zen priest Madeline Koi Bastis (known for her powerfully effective meditation work with cancer, AIDS, and Alzheimer’s patients). It’s one I seem to automatically turn to in dark times:

May you be safe from inner and outer harm
May you be happy and peaceful
May you be strong and healthy
May you take care of yourself with joy

So powerful. Days later, Roxann followed up with this by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross:

The most beautiful people we have known
are those who have known defeat
known suffering
known struggle
known loss
and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation,
a sensitivity,
and an understanding of life
that fills them with compassion, gentleness
and a deep loving concern.
Beautiful people do not just happen.

Indeed. In beautiful company with Pam, Teresa, and Roxann is Contributing Cardie Lauren Rowell. An exceptional writer, Lauren is admirably trusting and open with the fact that she is among the 50 million Americans known to be struggling with mental health challenges. A year ago, we asked her thoughts on how caring Cardies might reach out and honor the emotions of sadness, grief, and anxiety that — for all too many — can come with living life, especially at this time of year. Like the many considerate Cardies who have shown their support for Pamela, how might we all go about putting our compassion into words and action to support others?

“We begin by acknowledging hurt,” Lauren said. “We don’t pretend it isn’t there. We recognize that, for some, the holidays can bring up all kinds of losses, both fresh or otherwise.” While wishing us all as much happiness as we can hold, Lauren shares a great deal of kindness and wisdom here if you wish to click and read on.

Cardies, may the holidays and new year ahead bring peace … beginning in our hearts and our homes.

Jodee Stevens
Founder & Chief Creative

Dec 21, 2023 — We hope this finds you sitting in a soothing spot of your own, perhaps filling up on lovely cards and holiday letters sent to you.

If you’re one of our regular readers, you likely recall the recent story on inspiring Contributing Cardie Pamela Salem O’Hagan. Two weeks ago, the retired British actress was rushed to ER after a fall and — while it’s still not clear whether what caused her to tumble was her Parkinson’s or tumors in her tummy — after 10 days in the hospital, she’s relieved to be back in her home (which we’ve dubbed Grand Central Pamela for all the comings and goings at all hours there :) She’s retained her good humor and is regaining her strength. Yay!

Pam is grateful for an outpouring of support from caring Cardies across the country, and asked that we please tell you all how much the messages have meant to her, though she says, “Whilst reading the kind and flattering words, I keep thinking, ‘These Cardies can’t be speaking of me!? I’ve done nothing to deserve such consideration and praise.”Along with dozens of cards from sweet Cardies — and fan requests for her autograph — in Pam’s mail this week was a box from The Bees Knees British Imports. Wow, true to her beautiful self, Contributing Cardie Teresa Bender had gifted Pam a lovely mug made in her homeland of Scotland. The note she enclosed for Pam read, “You also being from the U.K., you are aware of the joy the robin brings to our lives — it gives us hope and the clear message, ‘Be Joyous!’ All the best, Pamela!”

Caring Contributing Cardie Roxann Hassett sent not one but two moving messages via email. In the first, she wrote, “I read your news about Pam and what came to me was a Metta Meditation I learned from the Zen priest Madeline Koi Bastis (known for her powerfully effective meditation work with cancer, AIDS, and Alzheimer’s patients). It’s one I seem to automatically turn to in dark times:

May you be safe from inner and outer harm
May you be happy and peaceful
May you be strong and healthy
May you take care of yourself with joy

So powerful. Days later, Roxann followed up with this by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross:

The most beautiful people we have known
are those who have known defeat
known suffering
known struggle
known loss
and have found their way out of the depths.
These persons have an appreciation,
a sensitivity,
and an understanding of life
that fills them with compassion, gentleness
and a deep loving concern.
Beautiful people do not just happen.

Indeed. In beautiful company with Pam, Teresa, and Roxann is Contributing Cardie Lauren Rowell. An exceptional writer, Lauren is admirably trusting and open with the fact that she is among the 50 million Americans known to be struggling with mental health challenges. A year ago, we asked her thoughts on how caring Cardies might reach out and honor the emotions of sadness, grief, and anxiety that — for all too many — can come with living life, especially at this time of year. Like the many considerate Cardies who have shown their support for Pamela, how might we all go about putting our compassion into words and action to support others?

“We begin by acknowledging hurt,” Lauren said. “We don’t pretend it isn’t there. We recognize that, for some, the holidays can bring up all kinds of losses, both fresh or otherwise.” While wishing us all as much happiness as we can hold, Lauren shares a great deal of kindness and wisdom here if you wish to click and read on.

Cardies, may the holidays and new year ahead bring peace … beginning in our hearts and our homes.

Jodee Stevens
Founder & Chief Creative