July 29, 2020 — I was just out of college when one of my older brothers determined that it was high time I learned to water ski. Being all-legs growing up, my balance had never been all that good to begin with, so I highly doubted that I’d remain standing while being tugged by a fast-moving vessel.

Sure enough, I’d get half-way up, and fall down. The boat would circle around, I’d fish around in the ropes for the handles, grab on, rise up, and fall down. From the back of the boat, my supportive brother would be encouraging “YOU CAN DO IT!” while my own head mumbled, “No you can’t.” Again and again we tried and, with each fall, I was more convinced there was no way. He’d helpfully call out, “DON’T TRY SO HARD!” and “LET THE BOAT DO THE WORK!” but I’d fuss and flounder and wail, “I can’t do it!” on my way down. We’d start over and I’d be rising up out of the water when his, “RELAX AND LET THE BOAT PULL YOU!” would be drowned out by my, “I can’t do it!” as back into the drink I’d go.

I bet a dozen times we tried until, at long last, my brother spotted me momentarily upright. I’m guessing it was the doubtful look on my face that tipped him off because, just as I opened my mouth to again declare defeat, he jumped in with, “DAMMIT, JO, WOULD YOU LOOK DOWN?! YOU’RE DOING IT!!!” And whaddayaknow.

Lately, I’ve been feeling right back behind that boat — just sure I can’t get those skis under me and steeling myself for the nasty fall.  A little like water skiing, learning how to do business in a pandemic can be daunting, and I miss being sure-footed on familiar ground. But I learned that “I can’t do it” is just fear talking in code for “I won’t do it.”

So, today, I look down and see that I’m doing it! I look around and see that We Are All Doing It. Still a little gangly and unsure but, if we just keep going, we’ll manage to stay on our feet somehow. All exhausted but dedicated healthcare workers, look down: You’re doing it! The 21 million looking for work, look down: You’re doing it! Every parent, teacher and administrator trying to keep everyone safe as well as educated, look down: You’re doing it! All the Cardies keeping spirits bright: You’re doing it! We’re all just doing it the best we know how.

Life may not look and feel like it used to, but we’re somehow up on those skis. What say we just try to relax and trust the boat to pull us along?

jodee stevens
founder & chief creative