November 23, 2022 — Your friends and fans here at Cardthartic want to quick wish you a happy and peaceful holiday … starting with a loving little exercise for this evening: Acknowledging what a blessing You are.

Because at Cardthartic we’re in a position to see how many cards you so thoughtfully send throughout the year, we have some idea of how thoughtful, kind, and giving you are to those in your Youniverse, and how filled with gratitude you tend to be. Sad to say, some people in this world are not nearly as forthcoming with the thanks and praise as Cardies generally are and, to stay happy and healthy, it’s important to give ourselves the credit due. (Or, as Rebecca The World’s Greatest Therapist back in Chicago used to say, “Sacrifice Breeds Resentment,” and we’d hate to see the coming days take a toll on the giving you.)

Our wish for you this evening is a few minutes to sit and breathe. Hands on your belly. Another deep breath. As many as it takes to get those soothing breaths to fill your tummy like a big balloon. Now, with every deep breath, you’re going to gently acknowledge yourself for all you are and do. This is a time to say every grateful thing that your heart secretly longs to hear.

“Thanks for hosting Thanksgiving. Without your planning and preparation, this gathering perhaps wouldn’t be.”

It may feel awkward at first, but please try to give in. It will fill your heart, guaranteed.

“Thank you for all the energy you’re expending on others’ behalf. I appreciate how you have given so much thought to making everything lovely and welcoming.”

“I know there may be times when you’d rather sneak off and curl up with a good book, so thank you for opening your heart to the noise and differences of opinion that will be swirling.”

Whatever it is you’d appreciate hearing from a caring someone who notices all you do — be a caring someone and say those words to you. And it can’t go without saying, Cardies, we appreciate you!

Jodee Stevens
Founder & Chief Creative

November 23, 2022 — Your friends and fans here at Cardthartic want to quick wish you a happy and peaceful holiday … starting with a loving little exercise for this evening: Acknowledging what a blessing You are.

Because at Cardthartic we’re in a position to see how many cards you so thoughtfully send throughout the year, we have some idea of how thoughtful, kind, and giving you are to those in your Youniverse, and how filled with gratitude you tend to be. Sad to say, some people in this world are not nearly as forthcoming with the thanks and praise as Cardies generally are and, to stay happy and healthy, it’s important to give ourselves the credit due. (Or, as Rebecca The World’s Greatest Therapist back in Chicago used to say, “Sacrifice Breeds Resentment,” and we’d hate to see the coming days take a toll on the giving you.)

Our wish for you this evening is a few minutes to sit and breathe. Hands on your belly. Another deep breath. As many as it takes to get those soothing breaths to fill your tummy like a big balloon. Now, with every deep breath, you’re going to gently acknowledge yourself for all you are and do. This is a time to say every grateful thing that your heart secretly longs to hear.

“Thanks for hosting Thanksgiving. Without your planning and preparation, this gathering perhaps wouldn’t be.”

It may feel awkward at first, but please try to give in. It will fill your heart, guaranteed.

“Thank you for all the energy you’re expending on others’ behalf. I appreciate how you have given so much thought to making everything lovely and welcoming.”

“I know there may be times when you’d rather sneak off and curl up with a good book, so thank you for opening your heart to the noise and differences of opinion that will be swirling.”

Whatever it is you’d appreciate hearing from a caring someone who notices all you do — be a caring someone and say those words to you. And it can’t go without saying, Cardies, we appreciate you!

Jodee Stevens
Founder & Chief Creative