MAY 4, 2018 – If you’re reading this, I’m guessing you can relate to Contributing Cardie Ann John, who says, “My love of a good card is in my genes.” Two summers ago, Ann emailed us to say, “My mother lived every moment of every day, and unexpectedly passed away at the age of 94 watering her garden on a lovely afternoon in May. She’d apparently stepped out in the middle of writing in a card to a 100-year-old friend. That unfinished note was mailed as it was, with an added explanation of how it was found.

“As my sisters and I were growing up,” Ann said, “Mother would remind us often of the importance of properly expressing (in thank you notes :) our appreciation for even the smallest of gifts. She said that, when she was growing up and times were hard, a card often served as a gift so, throughout her life, she continued to write thank yous for cards she received.

“When my father passed away, she wrote a note to every person who sent her a card. We daughters told her that really wasn’t necessary, but she wrote on. And, as you might guess, yes ~ as my sisters and I later revealed to each other ~ we had each written a thank you note for every card we received acknowledging that sad day in May.”

Inspired by Ann’s writing, we asked if we could quote from it to create the lovely Passages condolence design #93833, a card that is, naturally, dedicated to her inspiring mother, Virginia McCracken. Inside, the card reads, “In tribute to her, let us all do the same.”

When Ann’s equally-eloquent sister Carla Schmitt saw that special card, she not-suprisingly sent us a note. “Mama mailed love and encouragement tucked into every corner of the cards she sent throughout her long life,” Carla said, “and her example is ingrained in our hearts and habits.” Indeed! Now considered “Contributing Cardies,” Carla and Ann have each written two Cardthartic cards that do their mother proud. (Here you can see Ann’s cards, and Carla’s.)

Having had the pleasure of getting to know these gracious women in the years since Ann first reached out, I know they share the sense that ~ by sending cards ~ their mother was doing much more than popping pretty pieces of folded paper into the mail. She was sensing needs, spreading her warmth, prompting smiles, lifting spirits.

I don’t know about you, but I feel very fortunate to be like The McCracken Sisters in that card-sending is in my genes. (FYI, my mom was our original Fairy Cardmother, but that’s another story for another day.) For today ~ with Mother’s Day still a week away ~ we’ve gathered a few cards that might well express your gratitude, be it to your own mom, or others you admire for their nurturing ways.

Long live the lovely legacy left by Virginia McCracken.

~ jodee stevens
founder & chief creative

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