DEC 12, 2019 – “Dear Cardthartic,” Cardie Jayme Soulati emailed us a few days ago from Dayton, OH, where the temp hovered around 18. Her message was so heartwarming that we thought we’d share it here:

I just ordered a goodly supply of your Meanings of Life Christmas Tree card about how ’Around our Christmas tree, lifelong memories are happily made.’ Cardthartic cards always speak to me, and this one inspired me to sit, reflect and then write …

To me, Christmas begins with the tree. Of course, before I put it up, I grumble all the way. “It’s heavy, it’s not going to fit, my daughter is a teenage Scrooge,” and every other excuse not to jump into the holiday spirit. Then, with a sigh and “enough already,” I push to get ‘er done.

Whether green or white, or even pink, our fronds are adorned with memories sparked by glass orbs, figurines, initials, memorabilia and every Santa Claus, snowman, and angel imaginable. When I was a kid, our tradition was to make our own ornaments. From age nine to 12, we lived in Iran, a country that doesn’t celebrate Christian anything, so our Wisconsin born-and-raised mother sent away to America for “ornament kits.” I can show you each one I made, and tell you how much it still means to me that Mom is so crafty.

Distinctly, my late sister’s presence lives on through the oddly funky ornaments she ordered for me as a teen from the old Lilian Vernon mail-order catalogs. (Remember those? Kinda full of good junk that got you to order every time a new catalog came.) Perhaps it was Tracey’s way of telling me how ‘oddly funky’ I was to her! :) In her memory, each year I unwrap the three glass alien-like dolls and fondly guffaw before packing them back in the bottom of the ornament box to live out their lives.

Other faves I unwrap carefully with a nod and “Ooh, yes, this one I love,” and “Oh, mom, you didn’t have to buy this one (‘cuz I really don’t like it, but will hang it anyway :).” Through our Christmas tree, a parade of people and places comes to life for me … they speak through each ornament celebrating a milestone of life — turning 16, graduation, having a baby — and bring back to me all the people who walked my path.

When the tree is finally, fully decked — with the angel topper on and lights twinkling — the rocking chair beckons. I sit, mesmerized. With each glance at this ornament and that, the tears trickle as those symbols of life, friendship, love, and family live on even after that special someone doesn’t.

Here in my heart and home, the Christmas tree holds symbols of life, my life, and all who have touched it. In my house, it seems that not “Around the tree” but ON the tree are lifelong memories happily made! When my order arrives with those Christmas Tree cards, I’ll sit by my beautiful tree and pen messages to those who make my life merry and bright. Cold and dreary December doesn’t seem so bad at all.