ALT="Cardthartic heron card from Meanings of Life collection, with a donut on a plate in upper right corner" MAY 8, 2020 – To those of us who have always worked from our home offices, it’s funny to hear people new to it note the constant temptation that is food (and then bemoan all the pounds they’ve put on lately :) Pity those of us who love to bake! Last week alone I made five little loaves of banana bread, a double batch of brownies and a slew of snickerdoodles here in my home office on Miami Beach. Most of it reached our CAO Ana and Fulfillment Manager John in central Illinois, despite my doing more taste-testing than may actually have been necessary.

The idea was to thank that dynamic duo for safely doing the work of six to get orders off to you. I suppose I could have spared them the calories and done what Cardie Marsha Harvey so kindly did: She wrote a Thank You note. “The order I received today was my second in two weeks, and I hug the box like it’s gold! Because, for me, it is!! I just had to thank whoever is there working and packing up for all of us who so desperately need a people-connection thru cards!!! Please pass on my thanks … it’s coming from the very bottom of my heart.”

And this from Cardie Nancy Hawthorne, “I was in the midst of ordering cards earlier this evening, left the computer, husband sat down and proceeded to check his email,” she emailed. “I was not finished and now I can’t find my way back. Is there a way, without having to start over?” Regrettably, we had to reply, “Eeeek. The order should still be in your cart, Nancy. If not, ugh, so sorry to say …”

She responded, “Thanks. Guess I’ll start over tomorrow. Husband suggests I put a note on the screen next time I leave something unfinished, saying, “I’m not finished.” It was a lesson for him … and for me.”

Next morning, I opened an email from our graphic designer Brandon (and big-time home office baker, by the way) and began reading the same story as Nancy’s. Wait! Brandon’s last name is Hawthorne. Nancy is Brandon’s 87-year-young mother! And it was Brandon who relayed the happy ending: “This morning, Mom woke up to a box of fresh donuts and a big ‘I’m sorry’ note from my 97-year-old father. He had braved the outside Covid-world to get her donuts.”

Yes, there are good people in the world. Ana and John, Marsha and the whole Hawthorne family. And I bet if there is one thing they’ll tell you, it is this: If you can’t hand-deliver donuts, send a card. Haha, here are a few fun designs that just might hit the spot. Keep safe, kind, and smiling.

PS: You have Brandon to thank for the “Now I want donuts!” start to your day.

jodee stevens
founder & chief creative