March 8, 2022 — On a good, long walk over the weekend, I crossed paths with a woman right as she was saying to the man a few steps behind her, “There’s no use our arguing about this. God knows where we are and what we need to do.” The man’s reply, “I know God does. I just don’t think you do.” 😉

Chuckling all the way home, I was feeling a bit lighter when I opened an email from Cardie Mary Pat Rossi. MP shared this very powerful poem:

I No Longer Pray For Peace
By Ann Weems
On the edge of war, one foot already in,
I no longer pray for peace:
I pray for miracles.
I pray that stone hearts will
turn to tenderheartedness,
and evil intentions will turn
to mercifulness,
and all the soldiers already deployed
will be snatched out of harm’s way,
and the whole world will be
astounded onto its knees.
I pray that all the ‘God talk’
will take bones,
and stand up and shed
its cloak of faithlessness, and
walk again in its powerful truth.
I pray that the whole world might
sit down together and share
its bread and its wine.
Some say there is no hope,
but then I’ve always applauded
the holy fools who never seem to
give up on the scandalousness
of our faith:
that we are loved by God …
that we can truly love one another.
I no longer pray for peace:
I pray for miracles.

I sent it on to a few friends and contributing cardies whose big, open hearts I’ve come to know well, including Rabbi Jeffrey Lazar, whose wisdom I so often quote here. “The power of prayer is not to be underestimated,” Jeff replied, then shared, “There is a saying that holds a lot of meaning for me: ‘Pray as if everything depended on God; act as if everything depended on you.’”

Many of you acted fast on Friday when we announced in the Cardie Newsletter that half of every dollar you spend on our various sunflower designs will go to the Ukraine relief organization Sunflower of Peace. For those who missed it, here is the link to those designs:

We have many cardies who act by honoring their emotions, and then use their passion and voices to appeal to elected officials — Cardies Gloria Dougherty, Candy Clausell, Judy Gibson, and Julie Beal to name a few. So let us remind you that quantities of these postcards are always FREE to you and public interest groups that you may lead.

Lastly, let me share the beautiful action Contributing Cardie Rosemary Tolliver took in response to the poem. She wrote, “Many thanks for sharing Ann Weems’ meaningful prayer. I’ve tried putting her words together with a ‘breath-prayer’ practice I recently learned about …
inhale: ‘I no longer pray for peace …’
exhale: ‘I pray for miracles’”

Wow, what a kind and resourceful and caring community we together make, eh? Thank you for all the good energy you create in this sometimes sadly maddening world.

Jodee Stevens
Founder & Chief Creative