ALT="Cardthartic Passages card to celebrate weddings with a flower bouquet in the upper right side of the picture."June 15, 2021 — Since the pandemic prompted the postponement of roughly 40% of the weddings planned for last summer, this summer we’re in for a nuptial tsunami! I read that one New York City wedding planner has experienced a 1,300% increase in business, “And we’re booked into 2023!” So to get you wedding card-ready, here’s a new design written by Cardie Sherry Schultz.

Sherry explains, “A year ago, I learned that Cardthartic accepted card submissions from the Cardie Community, and my words just flowed onto the submission form. I suggested the message, ‘There is no better feeling in the world than knowing your best friend will forever be by your side’ because that is exactly how I feel about my husband.”

We loved the message when Sherry submitted it and, when we started planning our summer release a few months ago, we knew we wanted her message in it! As for finding a compatible image, our Founder and Chief Creative Jodee and I were like two matchmakers determined to produce a marriage made in card heaven. We looked for a photo that would make the card feel more contemporary than traditional, too. When we spotted the image of the couple riding into the sunset behind the giant oak, we felt it was perfect. It was just a happy coincidence that the oak tree is a good luck symbol for marriage, per our Meanings of Life wedding card below :)

Nearly every one of our cards has a great backstory, and we loved hearing Sherry’s! “When Felicia sent me the proposed photo of a couple bike-riding,” she said, “I thought, ‘Wow, that is perfect! My husband and I would both tell you that our favorite thing to do together is ride bikes!’ We just celebrated our 40th year together,” Sherry explained, “and Gary really is my best friend.”

“The biggest card surprise I ever received was when Gary made up his own words for me on a card,” Sherry shared. “This, from a man who admittedly has the worst spelling! He did not make one mistake and captured his thoughts so beautifully that I had to get out the Kleenex. Sometimes, the right card just fills you with emotion.”

Sherry shared with us that “all three of our kids have inherited our love of riding,” and sent the following pics to illustrate.

“Our oldest, Jen, (left) takes her dog Wrigley for rides in her sister’s old bike trailer now that he’s outgrown her bike basket. Our son Matt and his wife Ali (center) go for their own romantic rides on their bicycle-built-for-two that my dad found at a garage sale. That bike is always such a hit everywhere they go that it was used for their wedding pictures.

“Our youngest, Kimber, (with Sherry and Gary, far right) used to ride on the back of Gary’s bike when she was little. Now 34, she’s outgrown that so, when we saw the Duet Bicycle at a special needs fair, we applied to Make-A-Wish. We were all so excited when we got the call that Kimber was their newest Wish Recipient! This allows Kimber to ride everywhere with us. And when we stop for ice cream (as we did in the pic), the chair comes off the bike and we can use it as her wheelchair! Best invention ever! Kimber may not be able to speak, but she shares ‘loud joyful noises’ wherever we go. You always know when the Schultz family is riding by!”

Wow, who knew so much love and good energy could go into a card even before you sign it, eh?! Thank you, Sherry, for submitting the loving message based on your own inspiring, joy-filled life.

It’s estimated that 2.77 million weddings will be held in 2021 — 650,000 more than in a typical year! Here’s hoping our cards help you send those happy just-marrieds off on a long and happy ride a la Sherry and Gary, with their best friends by their side.