January 13, 2023 — This soothing new support & encouragement design could well have been written with relentlessly rain-battered Californians in mind. We share it with you now while praying that everyone there makes it safely through Mother Nature’s lingering rage.

It was Contributing Cardie Judy Sherman who wrote the lovely message, with the relief of another kind of relentlessness in mind. “My daughter-in-law’s back was broken in a car accident in college 30 years ago,” Judy shared with us last fall. “She’s had many surgeries in the years since, but continues to live with extreme levels of pain.”

This was not the first time Judy had expressed to us her love and concern for someone she clearly holds dear. In an email she’d sent back in April of 2020, “As a faithful Cardie, one thought I have had for a while: Could we get a card that inside simply says, ‘I am so proud of you!’ It could be sent for many occasions and I would love to send it to my son.

“With never a word of complaint,” Judy admiringly described, “Brian has tirelessly cared for his wife who, I’m so sorry to say, has been in excruciating pain. Her parents live with them and care for her when he is working. If there is any way to create such a card, I would be eternally grateful!” She included a snapshot, with love and pride showing in her bright eyes and big smile.

We were pleased the stars finally aligned last fall and we found an image that we felt lived up to Judy’s words on a new card. “I love it!” she proclaimed when she received the proposed design for approval. “The card is perfect and I am so excited! As for a dedication, because I wrote the message for her, my dedication would be, ‘To honor my daughter, Tammy Teer,’ if that’s ok. I would say daughter instead of daughter-in-law, please.”

Touched that she so loves and admires her son’s wife, and remembering the great affection she holds for him, we replied, “Forgive us if we’re over-stepping here, Judy: Looking again at your photo with Brian made us think how very hard it must be for him to watch this woman he loves suffer so. And we sense that many of your prayers are for him as well. If this rings true, we could have the dedication on the card back read, ‘Written with love for her daughter, Tammy Teer, and their Brian.’” Judy whole-heartedly agreed.

Judy doesn’t yet know that her message is now on a lovely magnet, too! When she received her card samples last week, she wrote, “Everyone I have shown the card to is SPEECHLESS!!!  It is such a thrill and an honor. 😊”

She shared with us that this very weekend she’s traveling to spend a week with Brian, Tammy, and Tammy’s parents. “I am hand-delivering the card to Tammy! I want to see her face when she sees it for the first time! I hope she will feel as loved as she is.”

So many loved ones, so many thoughts … and every one a prayer.

Jodee Stevens
Founder & Chief Creative

January 13, 2023 — This soothing new support & encouragement design could well have been written with relentlessly rain-battered Californians in mind. We share it with you now while praying that everyone there makes it safely through Mother Nature’s lingering rage.

It was Contributing Cardie Judy Sherman who wrote the lovely message, with the relief of another kind of relentlessness in mind. “My daughter-in-law’s back was broken in a car accident in college 30 years ago,” Judy shared with us last fall. “She’s had many surgeries in the years since, but continues to live with extreme levels of pain.”

This was not the first time Judy had expressed to us her love and concern for someone she clearly holds dear. In an email she’d sent back in April of 2020, “As a faithful Cardie, one thought I have had for a while: Could we get a card that inside simply says, ‘I am so proud of you!’ It could be sent for many occasions and I would love to send it to my son.

“With never a word of complaint,” Judy admiringly described, “Brian has tirelessly cared for his wife who, I’m so sorry to say, has been in excruciating pain. Her parents live with them and care for her when he is working. If there is any way to create such a card, I would be eternally grateful!” She included a snapshot, with love and pride showing in her bright eyes and big smile.

We were pleased the stars finally aligned last fall and we found an image that we felt lived up to Judy’s words on a new card. “I love it!” she proclaimed when she received the proposed design for approval. “The card is perfect and I am so excited! As for a dedication, because I wrote the message for her, my dedication would be, ‘To honor my daughter, Tammy Teer,’ if that’s ok. I would say daughter instead of daughter-in-law, please.”

Touched that she so loves and admires her son’s wife, and remembering the great affection she holds for him, we replied, “Forgive us if we’re over-stepping here, Judy: Looking again at your photo with Brian made us think how very hard it must be for him to watch this woman he loves suffer so. And we sense that many of your prayers are for him as well. If this rings true, we could have the dedication on the card back read, ‘Written with love for her daughter, Tammy Teer, and their Brian.’” Judy whole-heartedly agreed.

Judy doesn’t yet know that her message is now on a lovely magnet, too! When she received her card samples last week, she wrote, “Everyone I have shown the card to is SPEECHLESS!!!  It is such a thrill and an honor. 😊”

She shared with us that this very weekend she’s traveling to spend a week with Brian, Tammy, and Tammy’s parents. “I am hand-delivering the card to Tammy! I want to see her face when she sees it for the first time! I hope she will feel as loved as she is.”

So many loved ones, so many thoughts … and every one a prayer.

Jodee Stevens
Founder & Chief Creative