Sept 8, 2023 — What can we say?! This li’l piggy and her prodigious vocabulary speaks to us! Maybe in the same way powerful Word for the Day emails from speak to the many of you who kindly forward them to us here.

And so it is, at the curly-tailed end of a laborious week, we lazily share this wise quote from yesterday. Wishing you a lighthearted weekend!

“Let the laughter come,
even if it has not been heard
for a very long time,
especially if times are hard
and the future uncertain.
Laughter is as important
in adversity as wisdom
and courage.”


Sept 8, 2023 — What can we say?! This li’l piggy and her prodigious vocabulary speaks to us! Maybe in the same way powerful Word for the Day emails from speak to the many of you who kindly forward them to us here.

And so it is, at the curly-tailed end of a laborious week, we lazily share this wise quote from yesterday. Wishing you a lighthearted weekend!

“Let the laughter come,
even if it has not been heard
for a very long time,
especially if times are hard
and the future uncertain.
Laughter is as important
in adversity as wisdom
and courage.”