NOV 12, 2019 – The message inside this Little Reminders card reads, “Mine are always here for you.” Feel free to join us in forwarding its warm greetings to everyone you know facing the freezing temps the national weather service is predicting. (:-o

Hearing such a frigid forecast from the warmth of Miami brings back memories of my 40 winters in the Midwest. Brrr! I’ll never forget the wicked week in Chicago that I wore ski gear over my business suit — bibs, boots, mask and even goggles over eyes tearing up in the cold. But there was no other way to wait for the bus to my PR agency office as it made its slow way through the piles of snow. That was the straw that broke this wimpy camel’s back. But you know where I’d always go for warmth? My favorite neighborhood card shop.

I’d layer-up, walk over, shed a few sweaters and hang out there for hours … perusing, laughing, emoting. And I’d feel the warmth that came from considering the friends and family who would soon receive those cards from me. To that pleasure, add the feast for the eyes that is good store merchandising + a congenial staff + the fun company of other customers grateful for such a great escape from the cold, and that shop felt like the most heartwarming place on earth.

Our CAO, Ana, as a young mom worked part-time in a card & gift shop in Colorado. “People would come in from the cold, apologizing for making a muddy mess in the warm entrance. We never minded because Cardies are characteristically so cheerful and nice. :)” If you think about it, bitter weather especially impacts these shop owners, so it would be wonderful if you could make a point of popping in to your favorite this week. Here’s our Store Locator so maybe you’ll even discover other shops near you.

Here’s another thought … I happened across this “heart meditation” recently, and share it to warm you from the inside out today. Its author, Dr. Lorin Roche, teaches meditation teachers, and he writes, “This practice is about cultivating the sense of warmth and light in your heart, thus healing the cold and frozen places.”

“Be in a cozy place,” he says. “Light a candle, or sit in front of a fire in your hearth. Begin by thinking of someone or something you love without reservation. Notice the sensations in your heart as you remember your love. You may feel lightness, expansion, aching or melting. You may feel joy or sorrow. Breathe with those feelings. Allow yourself to be with whatever is there.

“Now bring your hands to your heart,” he says. “Rest your palms on your chest … you will feel a place that wants contact. As you breathe, you may notice a rising and falling movement under your hands, a soft flow of breath. Let your fingers and palms ride those gentle waves. Feel the warm contact of your palms against your chest. Imagine that warmth penetrating deep into your heart. Let your heart be warmed by your love,” he says. “Let the warmth melt any cold or frozen places, any part of you that is aching, afraid, grief-stricken, lonely, disappointed, or bitter. Let the flame of your love warm you from the inside.”

Then, just like the little girl on the card front, “Slowly open your arms outward, as you would to embrace someone. Take a few breaths in this open-arm position, and then slowly, very gently, bring your hands back to your chest. With that, you are bringing that embrace into your own heart.” Mmm, that is a lovely, warming thought indeed.

jodee stevens
founder & chief creative