OCT 18, 2017 – I’ve always loved the old proverb, “If you think you’re too small to make a difference, then you’ve never been in bed with a mosquito.” So I’m proud to say that our community of Cardies is growing and making a little bigger buzz every day … fyi, a second $3,000 check is being sent to the humanitarian aid organization Direct Relief, a direct result of so many of you choosing to buy our cards while we were donating half of what you spent with us. The funds will help those affected by the hurricanes, earthquake and, now, the heart-wrenching wildfires too. Thank you for participating.Here’s another way that our cool card-sending collective is making a difference: Last week, Cardie Shellie Sakai quick emailed, “We are evacuated from Calistoga. Send hugs. We need them.” Beyond being glad this kindred spirit is safe and sound, isn’t it great how she knew that ~ via Cardthartic ~ she’d reach You, a whole bunch of caring people who will absolutely send hugs in all their various forms.

I can’t imagine having to run for my life out of my home, knowing that everything I own will soon go up in flames. Inspired by Shellie’s sweet plea, how about we hold all those Californians in our virtual arms and hearts now. While we’re at it, let’s stop and consider all the other people in our lives who could do with a major hug from us. The many that face grizzly challenges way bigger than they think they are.
Granted, all the Bear Hug magnets and cards in the world are not going to magically turn loved ones’ troubles around, but they may lift spirits just enough to make the hard stuff easier to face.  Actually, our great yoga instructor Paola has a lovely way of reminding us that we ALL need hugs. If she were writing this, she’d invite you to, “Back away from the screen you’re using to read this, wiggle your fingers and stretch your arms way out, then wrap them around to give yourself a big squeeze. Now breathe.”  And pray for rain in California.
~ jodee stevens
founder & chief creative officer
  • Bear Hug magnet

    $5.00 Item # 547
  • Bear Hug card

    $4.25 Item # 93608