November 23, 2021 — Something we’ve come to know about Cardies is that you’re generally great at thinking ahead and being well-prepared, so we’re guessing you already have a lovely Thanksgiving feast planned.

At Cardthartic, we’ve been busy cooking up 72 new products to have ready for you in January and, now that all those layouts for new cards, boxed notes, magnets, art prints, and minicards (whew!) are off to the printer, I have a hankering to share one of my favorite turkey day recipes with you. And it will be grand if you can carve out some time to post one of your own for others in the community to see and enjoy. The 2021 Great Cardie Recipe Swap, woohoo!

I learned of this totally LDL-inducing dish through my longtime friend and contributing cardie Susan Lyon probably 30 years ago now. It was a holiday go-to from her mother, Pat Piecuch. When I, as a Thanksgiving holiday houseguest, offered to help in the kitchen, I was handed a recipe card and warned, “Don’t think about it, just make it.”

Hahaha, that caveat was because this casserole sounds like such a totally disgusting combination of unhealthy ingredients that it’s hard for any lover of life to consider making it, much less eating it! But, trust me, I have served and/or taken this casserole to so many Thanksgiving and Christmas gatherings over the years that I have learned from experience to print out the recipe ahead of time in anticipation of all the guests who will ask for it. Truth be told, my mouth is watering at the mere mention of this once-a-year ungodly delicacy.

If cooking is not really your thing, have you considered card writing?!? 🧚🏽‍♀️ Hehe, Susan not only shared the casserole recipe, she wrote the knitting card message that you’ll see below along with a slew of other cards featuring various hobbies. And wait until you see our new designs come January — nearly a dozen fellow Cardies had a hand in creating them, and especially for those of you who unknowingly inspired them, seeing your name on the card backs should be a fun surprise. 🤩

Remember now, “Don’t think about it, just make it!” And if you’d care to share any favorite recipes of your own with the cardie community, bring ’em on. Let’s all enjoy!

Jodee Stevens
Founder & Chief Creative