You might say Howie married into the Cardthartic family! The New York native and passionate photographer is also the stepfather of Creative Coordinator Bianca. Funny enough, both also now live in the same little Miami Beach apartment building in which company founder and chief creative Jodee lives. And where the Cardthartic creative studio is!

When Bianca and Jodee were working on the January 2024 release, they both thought the Versace knock-off dawgs image was a hoot, and felt their proposed “Where’s the party?” message matched the doggies’ expressions perfectly. As they sat musing about what the inside message should be, Howie popped in. An endearing jokester, he looked at Jodee’s monitor, saw the card layout as well as the team’s quandary and said, “Wait, we are the party!” They all laughed, and a fun new card was ushered in.

Message by Howie

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You might say Howie married into the Cardthartic family! The New York native and passionate photographer is also the stepfather of Creative Coordinator Bianca. Funny enough, both also now live in the same little Miami Beach apartment building in which company founder and chief creative Jodee lives. And where the Cardthartic creative studio is!

When Bianca and Jodee were working on the January 2024 release, they both thought the Versace knock-off dawgs image was a hoot, and felt their proposed “Where’s the party?” message matched the doggies’ expressions perfectly. As they sat musing about what the inside message should be, Howie popped in. An endearing jokester, he looked at Jodee’s monitor, saw the card layout as well as the team’s quandary and said, “Wait, we are the party!” They all laughed, and a fun new card was ushered in.

Message by Howie

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