Meg inspired the card above written by Contributing Cardie Christy Wheat. “It was when Meg was going through a chaotic period in her life,” Christy remembers. “With her mother’s health declining, she was trying to move her mom closer to her while coordinating doctor’s appointments and transportation remotely.  At the same time, her job was requiring her to travel all over the world. Well, some minor drama was playing out in my life — really no big deal in comparison — and Meg took the time to reach out to ask if I needed anything. Me!?

“Thing is, she’s like this with ALL her friends, not just me. Meg’s that one-of-a-kind friend that everybody needs, the kind that shows us how much better the world could be if we were all as good to each other as she is to me.”

We first published Meg’s Message as a birthday design. That proved so popular, and so many people said, “Hey, this would be an awesome FRIENDSHIP card,” that we found another lovely image and published Meg 2.0.  :)

Card Dedicated to Meg

  • White Flowers in Cup card

    $3.50 Item # 93882